* UNS 1 : French classification created during sanitary crisis to meet protection requirements
The silicone mask Si-MaskTM is indented to professional environment and it is exclusively reserved for non-sanitary uses. Si-MaskTM is a UNS1 (Non Sanitary Use category 1) according to the french interministerial note dated of March 29, 2020 (tested by an independent laboratory)
Selected filters allow filtration over 90% and excellent breathability. The silicone softness combined with the conformability of the nose-bridge, allow an optimal adjustment of the mask to the face and excellent sealing. Its bidirectional protection avoids the projection of droplets protecting the wearer and the people around.
The main advantage of this mask is its raw material: silicone. As an inert matter, this raw material can be washed in a few seconds with hydro-alcoholic gel or any other disinfecting product.
What is the mask made of ?
• The mask Si-MaskTM is made of a half silicone mask adjustable at the nose. Two silicone flange kits allow the user to set up the mask according to its preferences. (Ears or head design)
A lock silicone washer allows maintaining the filter during its use. 20 filters are also delivered in the whole kit with silicone parts. Filters can be replenished in a store by the user.
What does the Si-MaskTM kit contains ?
• Silicone mask; a filter holder, a block filter; grey straps for head position ; blue straps for ears position ; 20 filters ; user manual ; the whole is delivered in a
thermo-welded PE reusable bag with a zipper.
How heavy is the mask ?
• When fully equipped, the mask weighs around 100gr +/- 10g depending of the straps used. (Ears or head)
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What kind of protection does the Si-MaskTM offer ?
• Filtration and breathability of the Si-MaskTM have been tested by independent laboratory which is ICARE; The Si-Mask has an environmental protection performance with a filtration efficiency of 98% to 3µm.
It has also a human protection performance with a filtration efficiency of 25% à 0,3µm.
Our mask Si-Mask is graded under NSU 1 (non-sanitary use category 1) thanks to the AFNOR S76-001 V1.10 specification and to the tests performed by the ICARE French laboratory.
Si-Mask meets two criteria:
- Filtration efficiency
- Breathability
Si-Mask is neither a personal equipment nor a medical device.
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