

ZAC du MIN | Rue Jean Monnet | 84300 CAVAILLON | FRANCE

ZAC du MIN | Rue Jean Monnet | 84300 CAVAILLON | FRANCE


Origin, optimization, eco-responsibility... Energy as a resource is central to human concerns. Following a policy of continuous improvement and in search of greater development, the challenge is to find just the right equilibrium among the choice of resources, their exploitation, the capacity of supply and the profitable level of energy. Technical developments, new materials, silicone and its unique properties all contribute to human endeavors as well as to their environmental protection.



We have a range of silicone materials, compact or liquid, to be chosen based on technical characteristics, normative requirements, hardnesses (shA) and a range of colors. Cellular silicones are also used and available in this line of business.

A manufacturing area of more than 2500m², organized by workshop and specialized expertise: injection and compression molding, extrusion, making and finishing; allows us to meet specific needs

Specific developments to meet new needs, a Design Office and a laboratory dedicated to research and development, all allow us to determine the feasibility and outcome of your projects.

A quality management system, developed according to ISO 9001-2015 and ISO 13485-2016 standards certified by LRQA under N ° ISO 9001-0079498 et ISO 13485-00079499, permits us to ensure traceability and quality of our productions.

certification ISO Sterne

salle blanche

It is mainly in the trans nuclear, that Sterne enters onto the energy market, contributing in particular to the management of radioactive waste : seals...

Here are some examples of products manufactured as part of energy production :

• molded parts,

• cover nuts,

• protection bars...


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